Friday, July 8, 2011

Got Map?

Yes, it is too late to be attempting to post a video. Especially since I am the mama who will be driving the family Verner-Waldner from PA to TN tomorrow....ah, er...I mean today! But that was my plan. Even if the laptop and my lack of blogging skills are working against me. 

In a few hours, we begin the trek to Texas. Have pillow pet will travel.  Don't tell Sue I busted into her site to post this silly video. Yes, this is Joy -- posting without Sue's knowledge. She is asleep. Wise mother. 
See you on the road!

 Full screen view is not so great quality so I suggest you view it in small format.

1 comment:

  1. Joy, honest to God, you should make these videos more often. I'm cracken up right here in my office.
    I hope you all have a great trip! m.
