Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm Thankful for ...

I think that it is so easy to say the words, "I am grateful for ...", or "I am thankful for ...", but it is really hard to live your life fully recognizing the very things for which you are so grateful for.

Is is so easy to get lost in the mindlessness of each day:  get the kids up, make the lunches, get the kids to school, go to the grocery store ... Each and every day is a wonder, but that is quickly forgotten when I get caught up in clogged toilets, and lost homework and halloween candy wrappers stuck on the carpet. 

I want to learn to truly live in the moment of thankfulness -- I know, how very Oprah of me!  
Each day until Thanksgiving I am going to find something that I appreciate or am grateful for and blog about it -- so 24 things, how hard should that be? 
My hope is that I will become a more grateful person when I am faced with all that I have to be grateful for.
Today, I am starting with the obvious ... I am thankful for my family.  I thank God every night for giving me one more day with Hannah, Ethan, Olivia, Charlie and Joy -- I am lucky, and I am blessed, and I am grateful.
Tomorrow, maybe I can be thankful for someone offering to take a more current picture of the family that I am so grateful for!!


  1. I am looking forward to this journey! I need to do the same because I know I get lost in the day to day and miss the little things.

  2. Great start!
    I have a camera if you need a new photo.
