Monday, January 9, 2012

The "F" Word

Oooooh, Mommy said the "F" word ... I'm gonna tell!
So "tomorrow" has come, and it is today!  Let the "D" and "E" begin (see previous posts)!  Once the big kids were at school,  my coach Charlie and I powered up the wii fit to kick off our day.  After it was done making its snarky remarks about how long it has been since it has seen me, and that I have gained 23 lbs since the last time I worked out, it spit out that my "wii fit age" was 42.  Besides the annoying 23 lbs, I felt pretty good since I am almost sure that I turned 46 on my last birthday -- all hope is not lost.
Last night was the first weigh-in for our neighborhood's "biggest loser" competition, and I am determined to win.  I've got visions of dollars dancing in my head, or maybe I'm just seeing stars from the lack of oxygen to my brain due to my hyperventilating from said wii workout!  My breakfast of (the-soon-to-be-one-of-the) champions was a delicious, nutritious shake -- their words, not mine!
Today, lunch will be a yummy arugula salad with goat cheese, walnuts and pomegranate seeds,
 and dinner will be homemade butternut squash soup -- I am trying, really I am.
Yes, I know that it is $6.00/dozen Monday at the Maple Donuts store, but with one workout already under my belt, I am vowing to actually fit into my belt soon, soooo -- no donuts today!  I'm lacing up my sneakers and my personal trainer and I are headed to the playground for some mother-son playtime ... who says exercise can't be fun? Oh, that was me!

Well, let the journey begin -- come along for the ride.  I have been here before, and I hope to never be here again. F**%!
Yeah, all you get is one foot -- the last time I weighed this I was probably in  6th grade!


  1. Sue, that first photo is priceless!
    So, 103.8lbs, huh? I apologize. I thought you were at least 105 pounds.
    I stepped on a scale at Rite-Aid yesterday and it confirmed what my office scale indicated. That I'm a whale!
    Have fun on that Wii!

  2. Good for you. Love these posts and hope to cheer you on. I'll be the one eating chips on the sidelines because someone has to keep the bad junk in business, right? ;) No seriously, it's inspiring. But how do you eat a salad for lunch? I would be starving. No really, I wonder this.

  3. Someone came to me on the playground. "Johnny said the F word!"
    I am ready to find Johnny and blast him! Then I think twice.
    "Can you spell this "f" word that Johnny said?" I ask.
    "Yes, F-A-R-T."
