Saturday, January 7, 2012

The "E" Word

Oooooh, you said the "E" word ... I'm gonna tell!
Exercise!  As equally abhorrent as yesterday's "D" word -- maybe even more so!  And, sadly, for the "D" to work, you need the "E"!  Remember when exercise was fun, or, better yet, when it didn't even feel like "exercise"?
Remember when moving was not something you had to be motivated to do ... 
 when you did not have to have a device to tell you how many steps you took in a day ...
 when you actually derived pleasure from being active ... 
or when being told to sit still was a punishment?

Yeah, me neither. 

As I wade through the gym membership offers and the sale flyers claiming the "lowest price of the year" on exercise equipment, all I want to do is crawl back onto the couch and pick up the remote control -- is it really wrong to watch "The Biggest Loser" while eating ice cream?  In any case, I have dusted off my sneakers, put batteries in the wii fit balance board, and loaded up my ipod with new songs and books to keep me motivated as I walk those pounds off -- tomorrow!  Today, it is off to the Farm Show for milk shakes and baked potatoes slathered in butter ... sigh.

1 comment:

  1. We started our calorie counting last week, but the exercise starts this week. Felt like I needed to break myself in easy. Especially after the holidays.

    Good luck - trying to choose the right gym, or the right exercise equipment is a task!
