Friday, April 6, 2012

Happiness is ...

... 6 smelly boys, five pounds of sugar, lots of snacks and a new basketball hoop (as defined by my smelly boy)!  Last night Ethan had a sleepover to celebrate his upcoming 10th birthday.  He only invited his quiet, well-mannered friends!!!

After playing basketball for the first time this past winter, Ethan discovered that he really enjoyed it, so we got him a basketball hoop for his birthday.  Joy and I were literally still putting it together when the first guest arrived, but the boys enjoyed breaking it in.
Perhaps they enjoyed breaking it in a little too much, because we have since moved the hoop to a different spot in our yard due to our neighbor's car being hit one too many times -- ooops!

After some basketball, the boys came inside so Ethan could open some presents (thanks for the new wii games, Mommy & Mama!),
do a little gambling,

and goof around a little,
before it was off to the back yard for some kickball/dodgeball.
When it was too dark to play ball, the boys came inside for some cake & ice cream.

Hannah and Olivia were both out of the house spending time with their own friends, but Charlie was still at home trying sooo hard to play with the big boys.  Ethan and his friends were very kind to Charlie, but all too soon he had to go to bed -- he was not one bit happy about it.  Sometimes it is so hard to be the little brother!
After a (really too noisy for my elderly neighbors) game of manhunt, the boys came inside and retreated to the family room for some quality wii time and to watch some movies before they actually fell asleep -- thankfully all the running around must have tired them out more than the cake and candy wound them up!

I was sure to sugar the boys up before their parents came to pick them up in case they did not get enough the night before!
According to Ethan it was, "the best sleepover ever", so I guess I have done my job.  Happy (almost) 10th birthday Ethan Zachary!!
sleepover carnage!

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